In addition to my full-time position as assistant professor of higher education leadership, I am also a qualified administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) ( Through my work with…
Ages ago when I was a freshman in college, I went to dinner at the Santa Monica Cheesecake Factory with my entire suite to get to know one another. Despite…
I have served in higher education for almost 20 years in various settings, from a small private school to a large state school. Through my diverse experiences in student affairs,…
Here are some ways to prepare as you get ready to move your student into their new community! 1. Take Your Time. Many universities will assign students a day and…
College students are taught that the next four years are the ones to look forward to and will someday be the ones they wish to return to. However, by encouraging…
In my role of helping students succeed in college, I usually interact with parents in three different scenarios: during new student orientation, Family Weekend, and when parents are really upset.…
Here’s some advice for these amazing moms of soon-to-be high school grads: Embrace the mixture of emotions. While you may have been expecting a profound sense of accomplishment and relief…
Soon enough, your student may know what it’s like to feel motivated by their vision for a future career, and then somehow to feel unmotivated in classes, despite working hard…
Here are some steps you can take to make the most out of this special point in time: 1. Examine, embrace and celebrate where you are There’s no doubt that…