While these are the main expenses during college, it is helpful to budget for other costs your student may incur during their college journey. Planning for these “unexpected” expenses will…
For parents who were already divorced or separated, you may have some systems that you created, and some of you may need to process relationship transition during your student’s academic…
Perhaps you're not familiar with Greek Life on a college campus and what it involves. You might wonder if you should encourage or discourage them from learning more about Greek…
An excellent way for your student to get connected and feel part of the campus community is by joining a student organization. Regardless of where your student attends college, numerous…
If your kid is not really sure yet what she wants to be when she grows up--don’t worry. She’s in great company. Most people change not only majors, but entire…
If they are like every other student who arrived on campus, there will be some bumps along the way as they embark on this new journey. In today’s connected and…
Students’ sense of belonging has also been linked to academic success, persistence, and overall well-being. In fact, students who report a sense of belonging at the end of their first…
Certainly, writing papers, studying for exams and doing assigned homework will occupy a percentage of your student’s week. However, students will spend more time outside the classroom than in the…
Mission is about teaching and learning and that happens primarily through relationship. It is embodied in the faculty, staff and students who serve or attend colleges and universities around the…