Learn more about what transitioning to College looks like for your high school senior.
Last Call List
For Senior Year
Here you are, 365 days out from the empty nest.
The temptation is to spend a year boring them with lasts. The last first day of high school, the last birthday at home, or the last varsity game. But I’m going resist the pull to be maudlin and instead create a Parent’s Bucket List for Senior Year in high school, perhaps better thought of as the Last Call List… everything I wish I had done before my kids went to college…”
College Countdown put together an overview for seniors’ parents on navigating their last year of high school. Click below to see our guide: Last Call List for High School Senior Year.
Our Guide to Senior Year
Senior Year
The Parent
Advisory Council
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of ScholarShare 529 parents with children already using their 529 savings for college. That means they know a few things about college and are eager to share perspectives and insights with you as your teenager begins their college adventure. This is a group of parents who have been there, done that. Now, they’re ready to exchange stories with you. Meet the PAC.