Wisdom about what and when to share info about your college decisions from college savings advocate, Patricia Roberts. Tips from someone who’s been there – done that. FGN-3267044PR-Y1223W
Three money conversations to have with your collegebound kid from college savings advocate, Patricia Roberts. Tips from someone who’s been there – done that. FGN-3267044PR-Y1223W
Your child’s first months of college may have been challenging, stellar, or somewhere in between. Whether it’s your first child to wrap up an initial phase of college or your…
What’s sometimes overlooked in the preparation process is that the child you dropped off just a few months prior may be returning home transformed in one way or another with…
Three tips for parents with teens in their senior year of high school from college savings advocate, Patricia Roberts. Sound advice from someone who's been there - done that. FGN-3261890PR-Y1223W
Parents & Family Weekend can also be an opportunity to take an up-close look at the investment you just made, bring some fall or winter clothing that may soon be…
...but with some pre-planning, the long-term rewards of helping your child navigate through this pivotal year can outweigh any short-term stress along the way. Here are four tips to help…
If you have kept in depth discussion of the subject under wraps during Freshman and Sophomore years, you and your teen are about to go on a voyage of discovery…
In the academic setting, habits of thinking influence the ways students begin, manage, and explain the results of tasks, like projects and papers. Their mindsets—attributional beliefs about their abilities as…
There’s even a seasonal lawn mower parent—the “snow blower” who clears obstacles out of their student’s way. Quite likely, these or similar terms have contributed to less-than-optimal relationships between families…
How? Students today need a malleable strategy for managing time and real-time thought solutions for when things don’t go as planned. This is why I teach students the envelope system…