While these are the main expenses during college, it is helpful to budget for other costs your student may incur during their college journey. Planning for these “unexpected” expenses will…
As both a first-gen student from a low-income family who had minimal support in my college planning process, and as a mom who recently helped see my son through his…
Here are five 529 plan attributes that make them worthy of appreciation this time of year and as college nears: 1. Tax-Free Growth 529 plan tax advantages put them in…
Reasons to talk about saving for college with your teen from college savings advocate, Patricia Roberts. Tips from someone who’s been there–done that. 4145265-0227
As a parent of a high school student, however, there’s no time like the present to have a candid conversation about college costs and the resources you have available to…
Withdrawing funds is straightforward, but these tips can help you avoid common mistakes.* 1. Stick to qualified expenses To avoid federal income taxes and the 10% penalty on earnings, withdraw…
Developed from more than two decades of experience in the higher education financial aid space, these tips may make paying for college more bearable. Start Saving Early. Higher education is…
I recently had the opportunity to ask over 1,000 parents who are saving for college about their feelings ̶ were they confident, anxious, or somewhere in the middle and…
With college in the not-so-distant future, it’s a perfect time to stop and reflect on the positive effects your 529 investments have had -- and will continue to have --…
If you’re like many families, you spent a significant amount of money this past school year on college applications and senior year events. And when thinking about the upcoming cost…
Given this, it is refreshing to see an increasing number of students these days who have an understanding, if not appreciation, of the financial costs and career benefits of higher…
Parents and college-bound seniors who have not yet thoroughly discussed the financial elephant in the room will greatly benefit from giving this topic the careful attention it deserves. After all,…