If you’re like many families, you spent a significant amount of money this past school year on college applications and senior year events. And when thinking about the upcoming cost…
We sometimes underestimate the positive impact we can have by sharing what we know about a topic with those who are less familiar. With National “529 Day” approaching (May 29),…
Parents and college-bound seniors who have not yet thoroughly discussed the financial elephant in the room will greatly benefit from giving this topic the careful attention it deserves. After all,…
Many parents may be bracing for bad news about the price of higher education. After all, college costs have been skyrocketing for a long time, more than doubling between 2000…
A glidepath helps minimize risk so the money you socked away for higher education is more likely to be there when you need it. Watch this video to learn more.…
Whether faced with indecision about which school to attend, disappointment resulting from a dream school rejection, and/or uncertainty associated with being placed on a waitlist, soon-to-be college students may need…
Here are a few steps you can take now to be better prepared when college decisions and financial commitments need to be made in the months ahead: 1. Take an…
With the year-end holiday season just around the corner, the time is right for candid conversations with friends and family about gift-giving preferences. It is anticipated that approximately $265 billion…
You may have heard that 529s can hurt your financial aid. But whether that’s true or not depends on a couple of things. Learn how parent-owned 529 plans help you…
How will your kid pay for college when the time comes? Unsurpassed tax benefits for families using a 529 plan can make a real difference. Learn more about the benefits…
A 529 plan is a flexible way to save for college. Your college savings can be used for all kinds of qualified expenses like tuition, books, supplies, and equipment. Computers…
Investment fees are easy to ignore because the jargon is confusing or they’re hidden in the fine print. So, it’s important to know how and how much. Learn more about…